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Definition of "OWNED"

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  • Definition of "OWNED"

    Nowadays, everyone and their mom, cousins and Uncle Bob who are playing video game tosses out the word "OWNED" more often than they blink. It has been used on such an alarming rate that the definition of the word has been lost.

    When you kill someone, you're not "owning" them. When you beat someone in a game, you're not "owning" them. When Golden State Warriors beat the Dallas Mavericks? That was getting OWNED.

    To own someone, you have to go above and beyond the simple "I beat you" criteria.

    Back in the day, when people actually respected the word, it was used sparingly and only when a great feat was accomplished. To own someone you not only have to defeat them, but also defeat in such a way that the opponent is left completely bewildered and mentally damaged.

    Allow me to showcase a visual image of someone getting OWNED.

    In the following example, someone had been beaten so badly they have resorted to spamming every player in the game decrying the horrific dominance that was displayed. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not for the faint of heart:

    That folks, is when you can say OWNED.

    When you defeat someone so completely and so thoroughly that they resort to spamming every other player on the server with this message, you have officially "owned" them.

    Appreciate the word, don't abuse it.

  • #2
    Remember that time I owned you gob? It was just last night!


    • #3
      what the hell is that?

